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  • 04/25/2008 | The K7RA Solar Update

    This week we had a couple of brief sunspot appearances -- 991 and 992 -- but they were both from Solar Cycle 23 and their emergence was fleeting. On Wednesday, April 23, the planetary A index rose to 32 due to a solar wind and south-pointing Interplanetar
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  • 04/18/2008 | The K7RA Solar Update

    We saw a string of zero-sunspot days over the past couple of weeks, but this week saw a brief but significant sunspot that lasted only a couple of days. Sunspot 990 emerged as a tiny speck over April 14-15, but it was definitely a Solar Cycle 24 spot. Not
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  • 04/04/2008 | The K7RA Solar Update

    The past few days have had very stable geomagnetic conditions. After unsettled to active geomagnetic indicators on March 26-28, conditions quieted down dramatically. Combined with the nearly two-week run of sunspots and the spring season, this makes good
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  • 03/28/2008 | The K7RA Solar Update

    It is exciting to see heightened solar activity one week into spring. Currently, three sunspots are visible: 987, 988 and 989. The consensus says that all seem to be old Solar Cycle 23 spots. But with the three sunspot groups so close to the Sun's equator
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  • 03/20/2008 | The K7RA Solar Update

    ARRL Headquarters is closed for Good Friday on March 21, so this bulletin is coming out a day early, and on the vernal equinox. We had a few more days with visible sunspots over the past week. Sunspot numbers on March 15-17 were 12, 12 and 11. Over the pa
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